
The South Lake Base was commissioned in 2021 by United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. Our meetings are held at Valor Lakes Community Center, 12629 South Hwy 27, Clermont, FL 34711 at 1800 on the 3rd Tuesday of each month (unless otherwise noted). Our meetings are open to submariners and those interested in submarines.

If you know of someone in south Lake County, or the surrounding area of Central Florida, who served on submarines (or still does!), please tell them about this site, and ask them to Join Us:


2021 small base Meritorious Award
2021 small base golden Anchor Award
2021 small base Silver Anchor Award
2021 small base Meritorious Member Award

2022 Small Base Meritorious Award “Civic Involvement”
2022 Small Base Anchor Award “Base Development”

Fillable PDF

For more information, contact: info@southlakesubvets.org